Monday, December 9, 2013

Reaching Completion!

So I have finished designing the logo as well as my proposal, I intended on keeping you all more deeply involved, but the clock was running short for this project so it was time to crank it out! However, please look forward to more design jobs and my processes as I look to improve and receive feedback! Below is the completed design proposal packet that I will be presenting, enjoy and comment! And though I am turning the project in to my class, I still have to present this to the company, there for constructive criticism is still needed! Thank you!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Brainstorming for Big Dawgs Logo

Below are a few different variations of my logo design idea. These are merely sketches, that I hope to finalize! Could use some feedback ASAP!! I included which font was used and after a final is picked will give the history of that specific font and why I chose it. However all of the fonts used are Traditional or Old Style to that my design will imply that timeless wisdom, authenticity, and integrity of the style.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Font History

As I mentioned before, I like for every element to mean something more than what is instantly assumed, so just like my color palettes, I did some research and began sketching out font ideas! Below are a few examples and the history behind the fonts used (if they were not a free font I found and liked!)

Here is a short video about the importance of Typography and its history!

Getting personal Woof! Woof! ;)

I have hundreds of photos I have taken of these dogs, from new litters to mating I have an abundance of photos that I am referring to for inspiration on this awesome logo I intend to design! Enjoy!


Choosing a Color Palette

I like to find a connection or meaning in every element I use to design so I started with color history and I tried to find and create color schemes that gave the emotion and energy the breed gives. Being known as massive, loyal, and affectionate animals I began to search for a scheme of colors that said just that! Below are some color schemes I came up with followed by some history and background on the colors! 

To review, the personality of the Mastiff: 
  • The personality isn't like it used to be. The mastiff is no longer a warrior. It's a long time since he retired from those kind of activities. Nowadays he is a very relaxed and normally harmless dog, who loves his family. He is very dependent on being close to his owners, and appreciates (and demands!) being cuddled with. Strangers are not very popular with mastiffs. The average mastiff is friendly and patience with children, but it is of course important that the children are friendly with the mastiff in order to establish a good relationship between them.